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Been in the garden since 12/11/2015. First Amex attempt was in June 2015 and 2nd attempt was in Sept. 2015. I kinda gave up on applying anymore for the card afterwards due to their instant denials. I've been rebuilding since 9/2014. Started in the mid 500's across all boards. Well anyway, I have been fiddling around with the Amex prequal site since last month and finally prequals popped up for me finally. I received prequal approvals for the Amex Everday, BCE, and the Green Card. Chose BCE for the grocery benefits due to me grocery shopping 24/7. Was very nervous due to the previous denials. But I said to heck with it. I know my Experian score is very low for approval but I still went with it. No turning back now. Waited for the spinning cursor to stop and BOOM $1,000 SL , I know it's a low limit, actually it's my lowest limit out of all my cards, but who cares, I got in finally!!!!!
Then I said Hmm, maybe I should use this First National Bank Of Omaha Amex snail mail prequal and apply. I just got it in the mail a few days ago with the comments of ( By invitation only, Only a select few are sent this invitation letter) . So I decided to go for it. I put in all my info with my invitation codes, and waited and waited. Gosh, that approval took forever, but I was approved again for a 2nd card. WooHoo. 0% intro APR and a $19 annual fee. Pretty surprised that I was approved for both in one day. I don't know the starting limit for the First National Card but I hope it's better than the BCE. I will keep everyone posted on the limit as soon as I know.
Back to the garden I go as of today. Till the end of 2017 when 90% of my inquries will be gone. The very last card I really truly want is The CSP from Chase. By 2017 I will have only 2-3 inquiries on my reports. So I must be steadfast if I plan on aquiring that card in the near future.
Thanks myFICO family for all the great posts that I read before applying for the cards.It gave me confidence.
UPDATE: I was approved with a starting CL of $1,500 for the First National Bank Of Omaha Amex. Small CL but I hope it grows along with the BCE.
Really happy for you. I admire your tanacity Keep up the good work.
That's nice, congrats on your success,!
Thank you everyone for the kudos
Total CL: $321.7k | UTL: 2% | AAoA: 7.0yrs | Baddies: 0 | Other: Lease, Loan, *No Mortgage, All Inq's from Jun '20 Car Shopping |
Congrats on the new cards!! Don't forget to apply for a CLI on your BCE 61 days from the day you were approved.
Thank you for the tip, I won't forget Quick question though, I've read on the forums of people asking for a CLI upon activation of the card, is this ok to do or should I wait till the 61st day?