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A lot of people say you have to be patient over time to delvelop high cumulative CC tradelines but I'm seeing a different trend. Loads of people on here who fit that bill seem to have one thing in common -- lots of inquiries. I feel like there may be an unspoken rule I'm not understanding and just wonder if anyone has any tips to get delveop high tradelines accross all CC's. I'm willing to take a hit on my score 700-750 range if needbe, not planning on buying a house any time soon. MOD CUT - we are not doing this
Everyone's profile, as well as everyone's goals, are different. Some people collect cards for the thrill of it, others are SUB chasers, and others just want to get as much credit as possible. As long as they're not maxing it out and straining themselves/putting themselves in financial trouble, I don't see anything wrong with it.
As to the "secret," there is no secret. It's simply what one ends up qualifying for, as well as time.
I don't think there is a secret. I think it's all about timing.
I got very lucky in a two year period right after my BK7 when for example.
I was able to combine three Cap 1 cards into one for a 30k+ CL.
Penfed was jealous of my NFCU cards and matched them both at 25k each.
Then Barclays Jetblue only gave me 10k but I called them and went thru a 30 min interrogation by a credit services rep and explained I already have 5 cards with 25K+ and I want to use my Jetblue card for all travel they matched the other cards 25k.
Honestly I find it a pain to rotate all these cards.
For high cumulative ccs, I assume you mean total credit limit (sum of limit of all cards). Obviously a "high" sum can happen in various ways
a) a few cards, each with a very high limit
b) many cards with more moderate limits
or anything in between.
If there really is any correlation between limits and inqs, it's because of CLI requests with a) or apping with b) (or again some combination) If I keep apping, and I sometimes get a $5K card (or 2, or 10..) over time the limit goes up. Similarly if I keep requesting CLIs with issuers who HP for bigger raises.
But the usual word of caution. Having a very high total CL doesn't actually mean much, better focusing on growing assets!
Ok just stop it. This poster you call suspect is legit and everyone wants to harp on his stated income. But they fail to realize he has alot of assets that he doesnt need to add to make someone here feel better. Its not impossible to get those limits on that income as i know another poster who has done just that. I dont make alot of money and yet i have gotten $254k in cc limits. Am i suspect? Getting any kind of limit just depends on lender , scores, income, circumstances, thickness of profile. Alot of variables. Lets keep this thread on subject not on looking down on others choices and willingness to share please.
Answer: And the secret is........There is no secret-
Just very meticulous & careful management with some good timing sprinkled in here and there. If one really is filled with surprise & fascination comb these forums and not focus on a single member.
Because there are some in these forums sporting on the order of 1 Million Plus in card account credits.
Takes time but is attainable. Whether for hobby or ambition or perhaps just collecting, or for every category to them purpose.
High CLs are easier with higher income but many get them with over time and proven responsibility.
To state what may be obvious, MyFICO forums are a self-selected group that can be pretty different from the population at large. What you see here may or may not be common in the world.
Also, there are people here pushing limits and looking for gaps and opportunities that most people would overlook.
Add a bit of cognitive dissonance when "generally good advice" is ignored and there seems to be no consequence, eg getting approved for stuff with numerous inquiries, and you do end up with some situations described on this board that some people find hard to believe, but they are real ... at least, I have never seen anyone caught lying, don't see why anybody would lie, and I believe the accounts I read here.
I've only accumulated $99K in CLs so far, so I'm probably not a good example of what you are talking about. But, 24 months ago, February 2019, I had no credit cards and scores in the low 500s. Right now, I am gardening, but I think if I wanted to push, I could get to $150K in a week or two.
It is largely about choosing your battles and being willing to accept pain in other areas. Like, if I did get that $150K, it would push back when I could get US Bank or Chase cards, could trigger adverse action, and would push back when I'd want to apply for a mortgage.
Credit is complicated and multi-dimensional. You might compare it with taking a pill to help your health in one way, which ends up hurting it in another way. Whether it's good or bad depends what you focus on.
If you wanted to increase your CL, I'd suggest looking at lenders known for generous CLs. Sync Lowe's and Navy Federal are examples. You can find others on this board. Look at the cards in people's signatures and note which ones tend to be larger or smaller. There are patterns.
JMO. Good luck!
While you are free to discuss why/how large credit lines happen, please do not reference individual members, it's the equivalent of middle school gossip.
ETA..multiple posts were removed, plus some collateral damage in the quotes.
Oh ok, after reading the tread and looking over your profile, I finally understand.
Their is no secret to getting majority of ones tradelines to avg a certain SL.
After factoring in AOA, SL, income, usage; most lenders will compete for your business.
With my experience, I charge everything on my cards, then I make large payments, at least 3x the amount due. I then ask for CLI on SP cards to grow. My Credit age got me 25k from Navy, then 10 months later I asked Amex and they gave me 15k. Disco auto me to 7k trying to break me away from Navy & Amex. I know I won't see a high limit with BOA, although I bank with them. Same goes with WF & Chase.
YMMV, so time and usage IMO is key to can a person handle a high limit. Also consider a lender being conservative or generous via MyFico to make the best choice for you.
One can get even higher limits with business cards!!