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I'd like to take a moment to say thanks to this forum which I found back in 2012. It is by far one of the most educational financial tools that exists. So much so that I'm actually extracting content to create reading materials for the young adults in my family as they enter the 'credit' world.
myFico could created a course from all this great content as another form of revenue generation. So thanks to all of the Contributors, Super Contributors, Forum Leaders, etc.; Your willingness to share personal stories, financial knowledge and lessons learned have been a help to all that visit the site.
Agreed! The amount that one can learn from spending a few hours reading a week on this forum is incredible.
@Aspireto850 wrote:I'd like to take a moment to say thanks to this forum which I found back in 2012. It is by far one of the most educational financial tools that exists. So much so that I'm actually extracting content to create reading materials for the young adults in my family as they enter the 'credit' world.
myFico could created a course from all this great content as another form of revenue generation. So thanks to all of the Contributors, Super Contributors, Forum Leaders, etc.; Your willingness to share personal stories, financial knowledge and lessons learned have been a help to all that visit the site.
Glad that the forums have been very useful for you. I haven’t been on the forums as long as you but agree that this site is full of extremely knowledgeable posters that provide a ton of credit information.
Lots of great information, people from all walks of life, and a non judgemental atmosphere.
@Aspireto850 wrote:I'd like to take a moment to say thanks to this forum which I found back in 2012. It is by far one of the most educational financial tools that exists. So much so that I'm actually extracting content to create reading materials for the young adults in my family as they enter the 'credit' world.
myFico could created a course from all this great content as another form of revenue generation. So thanks to all of the Contributors, Super Contributors, Forum Leaders, etc.; Your willingness to share personal stories, financial knowledge and lessons learned have been a help to all that visit the site.
+1...totally agree that this forum should be required reading!! SOOO much good info here!
Amazing amount of informational content.
def needs to be required and should be read often, even to keep ones credit in check!