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Thanks, Likewise!
Today marks exactly 4 weeks ive been waiting. Contacted Discover and Experian today to see if there is any updates, still nothing. Discover said it could take up to 90 days however talk to Experian to see if theres updates. Asked Experian to check if Discover had contacted them at all regarding the HP and they said there has been no contact from Discover. Still waiting.
Very frustrated, my mouth dropped when the Exp rep said there has been no contact from Disco yet. The Discover rep who intially called me back the day of this whole fiasco sounded so reassuring that everything was gonna be okay dont worry we got you its our fault blah blah. No contact with Experian yet.
Eventually I think itll get resolved but lets see, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for now.
So I got a letter from Discover claiming that the inquiry is correct because of a credit application that was canceled. This is after I was assured that this is all their fault and they are already working on getting the hard inquiry out of my credit report within 90 days.
Called Discover again, explained the whole situation again. Apparently they are gonna work on getting the hard inquiry removed in 40 days now. Soooooo annoyed.
Can't blame anyone though its not human error, the computer messed up on their end. This issue is really trying to teach me some patience.
Will update when they call me in u to 40 days.
I haven't sent in a letter, not sure if the letter they sent me was in reponse to my call from a few weeks ago or from the guy who told me all is well wait 90 days. All my calls have been throught the acquisition department because they are the ones who handle apps/inquiries. I assumed they were handling it but seems like they dropped the ball. I'm tired of the constant waiting, I didnt take such a big hit but still, a hard inquiry is a hard inquiry. Best of luck to you!
I LOL’D. Enjoyable read!
They em should give you a 15K SL for the trouble?....🙃😗😉