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@UncleB wrote:
@cashorcharge wrote:Congrats @UncleB on the approval...and thanks for digging into all this to share the experience.
By chance, was your SL $500 or did they give you something higher?
@cashorcharge I got the same $500 others have mentioned:
A few other notes...
It took two attempts to add my Discover Card. There was an error message with the first attempt telling me to try again and the second attempt was successful. I ended up with two test purchases on the card but they only credited back the first one, so I ended up paying 48¢ to add the Discover Card, LOL.
I've used the card with Google Pay a few times with no issues. I tried to use the temp number to make a purchase on Raise, but that didn't work... apparently they don't play around with gift cards at all.
The transaction declined, and the message indicated the underlying credit card was the issue, but it was Curve (there was no decline on the underlying card, plus it was only $25, anyway). I have visions of a less informed cardholder trying their transaction repeatedly on various cards due to the verbiage on the decline message. Not a problem for me, though... now I know.
I've still not moved a transaction (that was what the Raise purchase was going to be used for) but it looks straight-forward enough. The big question will be if the original MCC will carry over to the new card. If not that will severely limit the appeal of the Curve card for me.
Thank you so much @UncleB for sharing!
I got the same invite, and my experience is basically the same as others here. I applied, no HP thus far. I was able to successfully add two MasterCards and one Discover. I wish you had more control over the card images inside the app, but at least you can properly nickname them. I haven't made any purchases so yet. So far, the experience was painless.
I'll be more excited when they offer Visa and Amex support so I can add another dozen cards.
A PSA to all: do not do any funny business with Curve (i.e. gift card purchasing, whether for personal use or reselling).
It's essentially forbidden in the terms and they freeze the account incredibly fast. After about $400 in gift cards, I was frozen and had to go through what was tantamount to an IRS audit to get my account back in good standing.
Literally had to send them itemized receipts and proofs of purchase for each gift card charge with an explanation of why each one was purchased! Not joking...
@Alephbet wrote:I received the invitation to apply today as well. I went ahead and applied. It sounded like I was going to get an HP but I have not seen any evidence of one so far. I did have Experian locked I remembered after the fact but not the other two. I was approved for a $500 limit at 18.99% which seems ridiculously low but maybe that's typical since they say that under an "anti-embarassment protection" header so if the other card that the transaction is forwarded to is not approved, this credit line will be used. I was able to add a few different Mastercards successfully but no Visa cards as is mentioned above. The ones that worked fine were my Aeroplan card, Citi AAdvantage Executive, Aviator Business, and Apple Card. That's about it for my Mastercards except for my GM Business card which I have not tried. I would assume debit cards also work fine but I have not tried any.
I got my invite only after a week of getting on the list. @Alephbet - do you know if Curve is a SP or HP?
does this card report to the cra's?
This 'beta' seems to be very much a mixed-bag... it's either (mostly) smooth sailing, or a dumpster fire.
A beta should be for fine-tuning a roll-out, but Curve seems to be using theirs for stuff that should have been resolved much earlier in the development process. IMO not being able to handle a ZIP code that starts with a '0' is inexcusable.
@UncleB wrote:This 'beta' seems to be very much a mixed-bag... it's either (mostly) smooth sailing, or a dumpster fire.
A beta should be for fine-tuning a roll-out, but Curve seems to be using theirs for stuff that should have been resolved much earlier in the development process. IMO not being able to handle a ZIP code that starts with a '0' is inexcusable.
Was kinda thinking the same @UncleB .
Maybe it is a minimal oversight like just Massachusetts.
Oh wait, could be: Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island and Vermont as well....
@NoMoreE46 wrote:Cool @cashorcharge.
There is a lot to take in on this card. I hope it succeeds unlike Coin.
I got to read about Curve more:
Oh if they cant accept 0 zip codes, I am out before I even start then lol.
I joined waitlist 6/26, got invite 6/30, was a Hard Pull on Equifax when I applied. Standard $500 credit line.
No issues signing up and setting up 2 Citi MC, 1 Chase MC (Flex) and 1 Discover cards. Have not used it yet.