@Queen_Etherea wrote:
Hey guys, so I was in the bathroom doing my make up and my husband rushed in and said someone had applied for a Target credit card in his name. He got an email from Credit Karma saying there was a hard inquiry on his report from TD Bank Target. His credit is in the 800's so I'm sure they got approved. He tried calling TD Bank just now to have them close the account, but they just forwarded him to a number that was closed. I know today is Sunday and they're probably closed, but we want to get this handled ASAP before they start charging a bunch of **bleep** on this account.
Also, may be worth noting, I just installed anti-virus and all that jazz on my computer and sent an email with our W-2's to our tax person. Then 2 days later, this happens. The software is through McAfee, so don't they have some claim against this? Like they say you're completely protected? He's pissed right now because he didn't want to send this info through email to begin with and he was right.
Anyways, should we start with filing a police report?
How do I lock all three of his reports? I already locked Experian and he's working on Equifax, but I don't know how to lock TransUnion, so if someone could please help, we'd greatly appreciate it.
If you request a Credit Freeze on your account you have to notify all 3 bureaus to have it done. As you stated it may not be done right away as it is Sunday.
You can immediately put a Lock on your credit reports by the list below:
For free you can use these two sites to lock your reports:
EQUIFAX-LOCK https://www.equifax.com/personal/products/credit/credit-lock-alert/
TRANSUNION LOCK https://www.trueidentity.com/
With Experian I know if you have an account you can lock your report on the dashboard.
Super easy with all three all you do is push a button to lock or unlock and only takes a few seconds .
You may want to also put a Fraud Alert on your credit also...
All you have to do is notify 1 bureau and they will notify the other 2 major bureaus (this usually lasts for 1 year where creditors have several steps to perform to verify your identity for any actions regarding your credit).